Whiplash: The Real Impact

According to a report commissioned by Aviva, whiplash-type claims have returned to near-record levels and are costing motorists £2.5bn; to put this into context such claims are adding an extra £93 to the average motor insurance premium.

In order to address this, Aviva proposes a number of key actions to reduce the number and cost of whiplash claims with the ultimate aim being to reduce the cost of car insurance for the public in the long term.

Data from the report suggests that the UK was on track to submit more than 840,000 motor injury claims to the Claims Portal for the year ending April 2015, or 2,300 claims every day. This represents an increase of 9% on the year to April 2014.

The report also analysed motor injury claims received in 2014 and found that 80% included whiplash, a significantly higher figure than that recorded in many other European countries. For example in Germany, it found that whiplash accounted for just 47% of injury claims whilst in France the figure drops to just 3%.

Aviva’s stated objective is to see that genuine claimants receive every care required whilst combating those who seek to unfairly profit from fraudulent or exaggerated claims. More detailed information about its Roadmap to Fighting Whiplash can be found by reading the information in full on Aviva’s website. As the UK’s largest insurer with a rating of A+ from Standard and Poor’s, insurance from Aviva, for private individuals and business, is available by contacting P F Spare Insurance Brokers.